Saddle Peak Estate (1-310-455-4301)
Medium and High-Resolution Downloads

PC - Microsoft Windows:
Left-click the medium-resolution thumbnails in the top row to preview choices. Then right-click the bottom row's high-resolution thumbnails and select the command "save target as..." to save them to your computer.

Apple Mac:
Click the medium-resolution thumbnails in the top row to preview choices. Then ctrl-click the bottom row's high-resolution thumbnails and select the command "download linked file as" to save them to your computer.




  20060602-1-0059-010s.jpg (110900 bytes) 20060602-1-0064-010s.jpg (101249 bytes) 20060602-1-0067-010s.jpg (82916 bytes) 20060602-1-0070-010s.jpg (72572 bytes) 20060602-1-0077-010s.jpg (102115 bytes) 20060602-1-0059-010.jpg (3039872 bytes) 20060602-1-0064-010.jpg (3596920 bytes) 20060602-1-0067-010.jpg (2808972 bytes) 20060602-1-0070-010.jpg (2472907 bytes) 20060602-1-0077-010.jpg (2766354 bytes)

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Copyright ©2009 Everett Fenton Gidley 310-990-0106
None of the images on this site are within the Public Domain. No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files or Macromedia Flash presentations, or the alteration or manipulation of said image files is permitted. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration is also a violation of copyright. The only exception is for the Realtor, the Realtor's associates and his or her client(s), the homeowner(s). Call 310-990-0106 for more information.




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